Hello, I have some questions in regards to the league's insurance, especially pertaining to events.
part 1: As stated in the MCUSA event policy "All fighters are required to maintain personal medical insurance. The event liability insurance provided by Medieval Combat- USA is in place to protect the event host, participants, and venue in the event of an accidental injury or damage to any property." -I take this to mean, very specifically, that there is no supplemental medical insurance provided by either MCUSA or BI, that the league solely provides liability insurance. Is this correct?
part 2: In regards to the wording under "event types" it is stated "Medieval Combat-USA has separate Duels League and Buhurt International event expectations and requirements, which can be found below.", I am confused by this wording and with the information that follows. Does this mean that, for an event defined as a tournament, that both the MCUSA requirements, AND the BI requirements would need to be met, if an event were a BI event? Or that, each set of requirements are separate from each other, depending on whether an event is solely MCUSA or if it chooses to be BI recognized? In other words, if a BI tournament is held, must a sports physical also be gotten as stated earlier in the "tournament requirements" section?
part 3: I am also confused about the section "event insurance" which states-"All events must maintain and show proof of event insurance to Medieval Combat- USA equal to or greater than Medieval Combat- USA event insurance.
You may request Medieval Combat- USA event insurance or provide site and/or secondary event insurance. This will require the host club to have full membership of at least 8 members. All cases will be evaluated on an individual basis and final say made by Medieval Combat- USA President on use of Medieval Combat- USA event insurance."
Does this mean that, should a club decide to host a BI tournament, that the club itself is responsible for procuring their own separate event insurance, in addition to a request for MCUSA insurance?
---Thank you in advance for your time in responding to these question. If you cannot tell, I wish to work towards holding a BI tournament in the future. I have been especially keen on making sure me and my teammates are well covered by insurances after my team has received many injuries this year, as well as making sure venues feel secure knowing that they are covered well by liability policies.